Food & farming

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Food & farming

Sheila Cassani began farming her rental home while a college student. She started with a small vegetable patch, but it soon spread to keeping chickens and bees and planting produce on nearly every available patch of the small yard not dedicated to the poultry.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Urban self-reliance: homestead in Oakland's small rented lot
Aula #2 - FarmBot: open source backyard robot for a fully automated garden
Aula #3 - Backyard aeroponics: self-sustaining farm for Wisconsin cold
Aula #4 - America's only urban beekeeping store on rescuing honeybees
Aula #5 - Internet of food: Arduino-based, urban aquaponics in Oakland
Aula #6 - More than work: Tokyo office grows own food in vertical farm
Aula #7 - Self-reliance in LA: backyard farming + radical home economics
Aula #8 - Internet of Farming: Arduino-based, backyard aquaponics
Aula #9 - Arctic ancestral survivalism: on extreme weather Sami wisdom
Aula #10 - LA ecovillage: self-reliance in car-free urban homestead
Aula #11 - From chic restaurant to a NorCal version of Polyface Farms
Aula #12 - Homebrew of fermentation: customize food for your microbiome
Aula #13 - Living food: cultured pickles, fermented soda and vegetables that breathe
Aula #14 - Future of meat: edible bugs as cheap, low waste, homegrown protein
Aula #15 - Raw milk: Idaho ranchers on why not to pasteurize
Aula #16 - Naturally-leavened sourdough in "traditional" Barcelona bakery
Aula #17 - Dagoba: another type of organic chocolate
Aula #18 - Slow sourdough: catch wild yeast for a better loaf of bread
Aula #19 - Aboriginal Chef Mark Olive: how to cook with indigenous foods
Aula #20 - Cook seasonal: a trip to the farmers market with Chef Carlin
Aula #21 - How to make Slow Gnocchi
Aula #22 - San Francisco's foraged food underground: a Wild Kitchen dinner
Aula #23 - Fermented pet: care and feeding of sourdough starter
Aula #24 - Locavores and a European model (a faircompanies dinner)
Aula #25 - The nightly yogurt-making ritual (with yogurt maker)
Aula #26 - How to make traditional fermented sauerkraut at home
Aula #27 - Raw sauerkraut: a fermented, probiotic superfood
Aula #28 - Baby artichokes: help to survive artichoke season
Aula #29 - Homemade pasta: orecchiette, rotini and machine-cut noodles
Aula #30 - Naturally-leavened bread: a DIY ferment
Aula #31 - A healthy, homemade fast food: rice balls
Aula #32 - What to do with rotting bananas: sugar-free banana bread
Aula #33 - A seasonal winter salad: green cabbage coleslaw
Aula #34 - Greener fish: swapping catfish for salmon
Aula #35 - Local lamb with no hormones or antibiotics
Aula #36 - Laurelwood Farm: organic but not certified
Aula #37 - BBQ in Brooklyn: local, hormone-free, pesticide-free, grass-fed beef
Aula #38 - A winery that creates fertility organically (& biodinamically)
Aula #39 - DIY Hummus
Aula #40 - Carbonating your tap water at home
Aula #41 - Homemade peanut butter, take 2: with olive oil
Aula #42 - How to make a cheap, and container-free, peanut butter
Aula #43 - Sustainable Fish Guide: how to eat to save the world's oceans
Aula #44 - Chef Carlin cooks steamed Japanese sweet potatoes
Aula #45 - Solar Roast: fossil fuel free coffee
Aula #46 - Solar Box Cooker: never burn your food
Aula #47 - Seasonal produce at the Queen Vic Market
Aula #48 - A local, free range, hormone-free (mostly organic) brew pub
Aula #49 - Why I ate kangaroo: a methane-free meat
Aula #50 - The carbon footprint of Suchin's refrigerator
Aula #51 - Cook seasonal: fingerling and colored potatoes
Aula #52 - Farm Bill and the fight for organic agriculture
Aula #53 - Dagoba: another type of fairtrade bean
Aula #54 - Green cooking tips from one of America's top chefs
Aula #55 - Chef Carlin & a seasonal winter salad
Aula #56 - Accidental Vegetarians: how to make beans & rice
Aula #57 - Self-reliance in LA: backyard farming + radical home economics
Aula #58 - From chic restaurant to a NorCal version of Polyface Farms
Aula #59 - Extreme local + organic food growing in hyperdense Hong Kong
Aula #60 - Lloyd Kahn on his NorCal self-reliant half-acre homestead
Aula #61 - Experiments in small space gardening in Mexico City
Aula #62 - Tracks of an old Frontier shepherd life: Great Basin Basques
Aula #63 - From Gotham to isolated, code & debt-free West Texas estate
Aula #64 - Loan-qualifying aquaponics greenhouse kit for income, family
Aula #65 - NYC bees: once banned as dangerous animal, now popular pet
Aula #66 - Using containers to stack high yield farms for urban produce
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Avaliação geral do curso:

Módulos & aulas

Module 1: Food & farming

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Sem prazo de carência**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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