Learning about Golf

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Learning about Golf

The harder you work, the luckier you get (all-time golf great Gary Player). Much is said, and more written, about how to improve your golf. Yet really only two things work; great coaching and diligent practice. This is where VideoJug comes in. Using one of the world\'s top professional coaches, we\'ve made this course that are carefully constructed, easy to understand and will help you to master the basics of the game. If you\'re already proficient, then these films will help take your game on to the next level. Fore!

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - How To Hit A Driver Like A Pro
Aula #2 - How To Putt A Golfball
Aula #3 - Learn How To Cure A Hook
Aula #4 - How To Have The Correct Posture For Playing Golf
Aula #5 - How To Putt In Beginners Golf
Aula #6 - How To Do Beginners Golf Techniques
Aula #7 - How To Drive The Ball In Beginners Golf
Aula #8 - How To Make A Golfball Have Backspin
Aula #9 - How To Improve Your Putting Technique
Aula #10 - How To Spin The Ball In Beginners Golf
Aula #11 - How To Improve A Golf Slice
Aula #12 - Beginners Golf : How To Chip A Golf Ball
Aula #13 - How To Properly Hold A Golf Club
Aula #14 - How To Improve Your Golf Swing
Aula #15 - How To Grip A Golf Club Properly
Aula #16 - How To Hit A Drive From A Kneeling Position
Aula #17 - A Guide To Hitting A Fade
Aula #18 - How To Read The Green In Golf
Aula #19 - How To Be Better At Your Uphill Chipping Technique
Aula #20 - How To Polish Your Pre-shot Routine In Golf
Aula #21 - How To Improve Your Golf Chipping Skills
Aula #22 - How To Position Your Stance And Grip For Successful Putting
Aula #23 - How To Do A Better Downhill Chipping Technique
Aula #24 - How To Learn The Spit The Ball And Hit It Trick
Aula #25 - How To Master The Backspin In Golf
Aula #26 - How To Chip With The Grip
Aula #27 - How To Hit The Ball And Catch It
Aula #28 - How To Be Better At Your Chipping Technique
Aula #29 - How To Position Your Shot For A 50 Yard Pitch
Aula #30 - How To Hit The Ball Between Your Legs
Aula #31 - How To Make The Ball Spin On The Clubface
Aula #32 - How To Be Better At Your Putting With Practice Drills
Aula #33 - How To Do A Great Golf Swing
Aula #34 - How To Avoid Slicing
Aula #35 - 4 Most Common Golf Set-Up Mistakes
Aula #36 - How To Do The Greenside Bunker Shot
Aula #37 - How To Do The 40-Yard Bunker Shot
Aula #38 - A Guide About Why You Hit Fat
Aula #39 - How To Do Low Shots
Aula #40 - How To Do The Plugged Bunker Shot
Aula #41 - How To Swing A Golf Club: 3 Tips From Rickard Strongert
Aula #42 - A Guide To Stop Hitting Fat In Golf
Aula #43 - How To Play From A Downhill Lie
Aula #44 - A Guide To Learning About Fairway Woods And Hybrids
Aula #45 - A Guide To Hitting A Draw In Golf
Aula #46 - How To Do High Shots
Aula #47 - How To Learn Hitting The Ball Below Your Feet
Aula #48 - A Guide To Stop Topping The Ball In Golf
Aula #49 - How To Master Golf Set Up
Aula #50 - How To Look Up When Topping A Golf Ball
Aula #51 - How To Stop Shanking In Golf
Aula #52 - A Guide To Doing The Fairway Bunker Shot
Aula #53 - How To Prevent Hooking The Ball
Aula #54 - How To Learn Curving The Ball Out Of Trouble
Aula #55 - How To Get Backspin On A Golf Ball
Aula #56 - A Guide To Different Ways To Pick Up The Ball
Aula #57 - A Guide To Tee Up With Different Clubs
Aula #58 - How To Hit The Ball Above Your Feet
Aula #59 - A Guide To Learn About Causes Of Accidental Hooks
Aula #60 - How To Do Golf In The Rain
Aula #61 - How To Learn About The Rhythm Of The Golf Swing
Aula #62 - How To Do Warm Up On The Driving Range
Aula #63 - How To Hit Long Straight Drives In Golf
Aula #64 - How To Learn Hitting From An Uphill Lie
Aula #65 - How To Do The Lob Shot
Aula #66 - A Guide To Learning What Makes Or Breaks Your Swing
Aula #67 - How To Stay Dry In The Rain
Aula #68 - How To Bounce The Ball On The Club Face
Aula #69 - How To Use Your Club To Pick Up The Ball
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Module 1: Golf tutorials from Videojug

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** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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